From Trauma to True Self


• Is depression, anxiety, anger or emotional upheaval your daily experience?

• Are you “triggered” by little things that shouldn’t bother you?

• Do you blow up or retreat, instead of handling the challenges in your life?

• Do you feel isolated and alone?





• Are you watching your life, instead of actually living it?

• Are you confused about how to heal?

• Do you feel overwhelmed, not knowing where to begin?

• Do you need self-supporting tools to overcome trauma wounding?




Your true Self knows how to help you heal.

The journey of recovery begins with the discovery of your greatest ally, your inner advocate, your most authentic Self.

It begins with reclaiming this inner advocate, that truest part of you that directs your path to healing and achieving your highest potential.





You can learn how to discover your true Self.

• You can learn how to experience deep peace and connection to your true Self and inner advocate.

• You can learn how to explore your inner landscape, discovering the dysfunctional beliefs and behaviors that hinder your progress.

• You can learn how to develop new beliefs and behaviors that create radical life change.

• You can learn multiple self-supporting tools for your trauma healing journey.



Jump Start Your Healing Journey

You can save time and money by getting educated about the trauma healing journey before you start the mentoring process. In a series of six personalized online encounters, I will teach you the tools and skills you need to heal your life.

I have found that survivors experience better outcomes when they are first educated with the principles and tools needed for healing. By laying this foundation first, you are better prepared for the challenges you will face on your journey.



You can learn how to overcome the mental blocks that keep you stuck.

In a mentoring relationship that provides support and education, with personalized online encounters, you can learn how to create a roadmap to healing, how to get started on your trauma healing journey, and the tools and skills you need to take your life back.

The trauma healing education and support I provide is based on extensive research and personal experience, bringing together the most valuable tools I have learned and developed to overcome the backlash of traumatic life experiences.



Learn These Life-Changing Tools

• How to recognize the “voice” of your true Self.

• How to experience deep peace and connection to your true Self, and how this inner advocate can help you heal.

• How to explore your internal landscape and discover lost “parts” of yourself that hold your most precious gifts.

• How to recognize and change old belief systems and behaviors, and rebuild a meaningful life that you love.


“Always remember that where you are is a result of who you were,

but where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be from this moment on.”

~Hal Elrod


From Trauma to True Self Workshop Series

What’s Included:

♥ Six 1½ hour private online class sessions – with each class you will learn the core material, followed by recorded exercises and optional assignments from the workbook.

These classes are exclusive personalized sessions. By working one-on-one we can address the learning and tools that you need most.

♥ A print copy of The Survivor’s Compass: From Trauma to True Self Companion Workbook

♥ A print copy of the method manual, The Survivor’s Compass: From Trauma to True Self – A Self Directed Approach to Healing Trauma

♥ A print copy of The Survivor’s Compass: A Mini Book of Method Exercises

♥ A print copy of How To Get Started On The Road To Recovery & Reclaiming The Real You

♥ All of The Survivor’s Compass Method Exercise Recordings online

Bonus Gift: A semi-precious polished stone prayer mala and a print copy of How to Use Your Prayer Beads for Healing and Reframing (mini booklet)

Anne Marck, LMT


Anne Marck is a life coach and mentor teaching recovery tools to survivors of childhood trauma – mindfulness and meditation, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Tapping (aka EFT), and The Survivor’s Compass, which she developed to heal an eating disorder, depression, and anxiety secondary to a history of childhood trauma.

She is also the author of The Survivor’s Compass: From Trauma to True Self – A Self Directed Approach to Healing Childhood Trauma.

Anne has researched and teaches the most effective, evidence based tools available to navigate the process of healing the body/mind.


• “I’ve worked with many coaches, healers and professionals over the last ten years and Anne is by far the most skilled and effective life coach I’ve worked with. Her combination of deep listening, well refined tools and resources, along with her sharp intuitive approach to really the issue clearly and address it is unmatched. I’ve experienced deeply powerful and sustainable growth in just four months of working with her, and have already recommended her to many other clients who are looking for somebody who is trauma-informed and has the right tools to support what can often be a delicate and tender process for many in this space. I couldn’t recommend her work enough.” Ima


• “Anne has the special ability to help me get through the rough spots in my life. She has given me the tools to understand myself in a way that heals from the inside out! Intuition and wisdom are truly her gifts. It gives her counseling real insight into my needs. The body, the mind and spirit can work together! Thank you for helping me to truly know it.


• “I was just about as bad off as you can get emotionally, physically, and mentally. I was recommended by a chiropractor to visit with Anne. She completely changed my life. I look and feel better than I have felt for years thanks to Anne. ” —Gwen


• “Anne Marck, and her therapy and meditation techniques, is an invaluable resource for patients who are seeking health and well-being.

As a primary care physician, and functional medicine practitioner, I am acutely aware of the effect of the mind-body connection on achieving true health. I have worked with countless patients on their physical problems where true healing was not achieved until the underlying emotional and spiritual issues were addressed.

Meditation and mindfulness are essential practices for achieving health, well-being and true joy in our lives. I fully endorse Anne’s techniques in achieving this balance of peace, wellness and joy. Her website,, has a wealth of information for anyone who wants to heal their body and the mind-body connection.” —Jeanette Walker, MD, functional medicine physician


Frequently Asked Questions

• What if this doesn’t work for me or I decide I don’t want to do this after all?

100% Risk Free ~ This Isn’t My Cup of Tea Guarantee: If for any reason, after the first introductory class, you decide that this method isn’t for you, you may simply withdraw from the program. Class materials ($50) are non-refundable.

• What if I can’t afford this right now?

Payment for this class series is not due upfront. You can pay for your materials ($50) prior to the beginning of the series, and then individually for each class as they are scheduled ($48 per class). You save $300 as compared to the cost of six individual 1.5 hour mentoring sessions. Contact me directly for more details.

• What if I miss a session?

If you miss a session, you will be offered available times for rescheduling that session. Class times are scheduled based on availability in my schedule. Please provide 24 hour notice of session cancellations.

• What if I need more help after the program is finished?

I offer life-coaching and mentoring for childhood trauma survivors. If these services are appropriate to your situation, we may continue working together in this capacity. I do not offer psychological counseling. I will provide information to help you make connections with a mental health care provider if that is a more appropriate option for your situation.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed psychologist or health care professional and my services do not replace the care of a counselor, psychologist or other healthcare professional(s). Life-coaching and mentoring should in no way be construed as or substituted for psychological counseling or any other type of therapy or medical advice. I cannot guarantee the outcome of individual life-coaching and my comments about the outcomes are expressions of my opinion only. If you have been diagnosed with a serious psychiatric condition, you should seek the care of a professional counselor. 

If you wish to combine mentoring and trauma education with an existing course of therapy with a counselor or psychologist, please discuss this with your current provider. You SHOULD NOT discontinue any healthcare provider relationship that you have already established.


How Do I Sign-Up?

When: For specific dates and times available, and all other inquiries, write to me at I will respond with scheduling information and the next steps.

Classes are typically scheduled every other week, or at your convenience.

Where: Online classes are available through Skype, FaceTime or Google Meet.

Workshop Materials: $50 (includes S&H in the U.S.)

Payment Plan: This is a series of six 1 1/2 hour private classes, $48 per class as we schedule them. You save $300 as compared to the cost of six 1 1/2 hour ($98) individual mentoring sessions.

Questions? Contact Anne Marck at for any questions or concerns.

Workshop Syllabus

Module I

Class 1 & 2

The Stages of Healing

What is Self?

What is the Trauma Voice?

Creating Safety Inside and Outside

Heart Activated Breathing

The Pool Meditation & True Connection Exercises

Elements of The Pool Meditation

Module II

Class 3 & 4

Expressive Writing

Introduction to Parts Theory

Introduction to Silence and Listening

Silence and Listening Exercise

Steps to Emotional Clearing

Tapping for Emotional Clearing

Module III

Class 5 & 6

What is Neuroplasticity?

Introduction to Reframing Core Beliefs

Reframing Core Beliefs Exercise

The House My Parents Built

Prayer Beads for Reframing

Reframing in Real-Time